GNSS-RTK add-on
for your 360° Spherical Camera

“Transform the way you capture and document your surroundings with our highly precise GNSS RTK information for your 360° camera.
With centimeter accuracy, you can geotag your spherical images and use this data to derive 3D models, pointclouds and orthophotos with ease through Photogrammetry software.

The valuable information captured is perfect for documenting infrastructure, as the accurate position is provided. With our all-inclusive package, all you need is your camera to start enhancing your work. So, let’s revolutionize your documentation process and achieve your goals with greater ease and efficiency!”

Compatible cameras

Watch and get inspired

...for desicion makers

... for technicians

Technical Specifications



Connection to Smartphone



360RTK add-on

  • RTK L1/L2/e5 GNSS add-on device
  • USB cable to connect to smartphone (USB-C)
  • Android App to connect to NTRIP and logging
  • training material

+ Training

  • 4 h online Training & Support
  • Data capture strategies
  • Workflow optimization
  • Photogrammetric processing


Getting started

RTK360 camera add-on Industries

Natural Hazards

RTK geotag 360 degree photos natural hazards mudslide retention basin

Mapping Cemetery

mapping cemetery photogrammetry 360 degree camera

An example 360° spherical image from the cemetery of Fulpmes/Stubaital.

mapping friedhof photogrammetrie aufnahme kugelpanorama 360 grad camera rtk

The resulting 3d model and orthomosaic is perfect for grave inventory/catastre and deriving escape plans.

Road Inventory mapping I

road mapping using 360 degree RTK camera
RTK terrestrische Aufnahme einer Strasse mit 360 grad kamera und photogrammetrie

Road Inventory mapping II

360 spherical RTK camera for mapping

Walking along the road and taking images every 2-3 meters.

The resulting 3D is true to scale and you can even derive an Orthophotomosaic from this terrestrial survey.

Terrestrial survey of a playground

3d survey playground terrestrial, spielplatz vermessen RTK

An example spherical image taken with Insta 360 one X3, geotagged at cm-accuracy using 360RTK camera add-on

3d model of a playground, textured and wireframe mesh

The resulting 3d model of the playground was processed from 202 images. Directly georeferenced, no GCPs needed. The image is hybrid showing wire-frame and textured parts.

Calculate volume in a no fly zone

A photogrammetric survey for volume calculation in a drone’s no fly zone. This is an example equirectangular image.

With only a few spherical images, the stockpile and the surrounding area can be surveyed and the volume determined.

Download example datasets